Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Flirting English (2)

Some people like to be more physical about their flirting

You might decide you want to be more direct and so be sure that your interest in the person is understood. Some people don’t respond very well to this approach (acercamiento) but others prefer it. One way to use this method is to comment on what the person is wearing. “I love those glasses. They look great on you!”… “Great glasses! They bring out (resaltan) the colour of your eyes.”... “Not every woman can wear a hat. That one is perfect on you!”... “That baseball cap is amazing! It’s so original.”... “Only a woman with a fantastic body could wear that dress and it looks great on you!”… “I like your sweater and I like what is in it even more!”… “Those jeans you’re wearing seem to be made for you!”... “You’re right to wear short skirts. It would be a pity (pena) to hide (esconder) those wonderful legs!”... “You must be a regular at the gym. Only a guy with a great body could wear that shirt!”... “Those shorts look great on you. It ought to be a crime to look that good!”… “So few women have feet that are pretty enough to wear open-toed (descubiertas) sandals, but they look fabulous on you!”...  “Only a guy with great shoulders could do that jacket justice.(hacer justicia a algo/alguien) Stunning!”... “That top you are wearing would hide no defects. Only a woman with a perfect body like yours would dare (atreverse) to wear it.”… “The design of your dress is quite simple, but you have such natural elegance that you look absolutely regal (majestuoso) in it! Wow!”
Let’s get really physical!

Some people prefer to flirt by going directly for the target.(objetivo) Instead of focusing on the clothes someone is wearing, they go right for the person’s physical qualities they find so attractive. “You have beautiful hands. I really like nice hands.”… “Nice hands and long fingers. Lovely. Do you play the piano?”... “What perfect delicate little ears. You’re so right not to cover them with your hair.”... “I love your little nose. It sets off (resalta) your pretty face!”… “What a handsome, distinguished nose! Is it true what they say about men with noses like that?”... “What fascinating, exotic eyebrows!(cejas) They make you look very sexy.”... “I’m sure you are often told that you have a very sensuous mouth.” … “U-m-m-m, full (carnosos) lips. So sexy!”... “You have gorgeous hair! It sets off your lovely face.”... “What lovely naturally curly hair you have. Everyone must envy you!”... “You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!”... “Your eyes are like magic, the way they sparkle.(brillan) And the colour!”... “Your eyes are incredible! What a devastatingly beautiful shade (tono) of blue!”… “Dark brown eyes are my weakness (debilidad). Yours are gorgeous!”... “What beautiful teeth! They’re perfect.”... “That’s a million-dollar smile if I’ve ever seen one!”... “You could get into trouble with such a sexy smile!”... “You have the face of a classical beauty. I am spellbound!”(hechizado)… “Your features (rasgos) are perfect!” “You have such exotic beauty. You turn every head!”… “Excuse my boldness, (atrevimiento) but you are a knockout!(estás muy buena/o)... “Are your legs insured? (aseguradas) They certainly should be!”… “If you look half as good with those trousers off as you do with them on, then you are dynamite!”… “Look at the size of your shoes! I know what that is supposed to mean!”... “You are so good-looking that you must stop people in their tracks!(hacer para a la gente en seco)… “You’re so cute (guapo/a) that I can hardly concentrate on what I want to say.”

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