Friday, September 5, 2014

The World of English: accents.

English contains many variations of accent and even dialect , but unlike Italian or German, the dialects are rarely different enough to make comprehension impossible. True, a London Cockney would have a very difficult time in a conversation with a steel worker (trabajador del acero) in Glasgow, and a Carolina cotton picker (recolector de algodón) might find it difficult to understand and be understood by a sheep farmer from Australia, but a businessman from, say Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A  would have few problems dealing with (tratando con)  a businessman from Dublin, Ireland or Sydney, Australia, Auckland, New Zealand, Liverpool in England , Johannesburg ,South Africa  or Kingston, Jamaica. A reasonably educated standard English allows comprehension and communication all over the English speaking world.

Take a quick  tour through the British Isles in this video where comedian Siobhan Thompson performs 17 British accents – and the celebrities that speak with them,!

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