Saturday, July 12, 2014

Snow White

Blancanieves  es uno de los cuentos más populares de los hermanos Grimm. A lo largo de los años  ha sido modificado y traducido a muchos idiomas  pero esta es  la versión en inglés del argumento del  original Alemán. 

A queen gives birth (dar a luz) to a baby girl, but dies soon after. The king takes a new wife who is beautiful but very proud.(orgullosa) The new Queen possesses a magic mirror,(espejo) which she often asks: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest ( más hermosa) of them all?” The mirror always replies, “You are.” However,(sin embargo) one day when she asks her mirror who is the most beautiful, it responds, “Queen, you’re the fairest where you are, but Snow White is more beautiful by far”.(con mucho)

The Queen is extremely jealous, (celosa) and orders a huntsman ( cazador) to take Snow White into the woods and kill her. She tells the huntsman to return with Snow White’s lungs ( pulmón) and liver (hígado) as proof (como prueba ) he has killed her. The huntsman takes Snow White into the forest but in the end cannot take her life. He releases Snow White, and brings the queen the lungs and liver of a wild boar.(jabalí)
Snow White discovers a small cottage in the forest where seven dwarfs (enanos) live, and she decides to rest there. Meanwhile,(mientras tanto  ) the Queen asks her mirror once again,“Who’s the fairest of them all?” She is horrified when the mirror tells her that Snow White is still the fairest, which means she is still alive!

The jealous Queen discovers where Snow White is staying and visits the cottage in disguise,(disfrazada) hoping to kill her. First, disguised as a peddler,(vendedor ambulante) the Queen ties Snow White up (ata) until she faints (desmaya) and the Queen thinks she is dead. Snow White, however, is revived by the dwarfs when they loosen (aflojan) the laces. Next the Queen, dressed as a different old woman, combs (peina) her hair with a poisoned  comb ( peine envenenado ) . Snow White again collapses, and again the dwarves save her. Finally the Queen, dressed as a countrywoman, offers a poisoned apple to Snow White. She does not want to eat it at first, so the Queen cuts the apple in half.(por la mitad ) She eats the white part, which has no poison in it, and gives the poisoned red part to Snow White. She eats the apple and immediately falls into a deep,(profundo) magical sleep. When the dwarfs find her, they cannot revive her, so they place her in a glass coffin,(ataúd) thinking that she has died. 

Time passes, and a prince travelling through the forest sees Snow White in her coffin. He is enchanted by her beauty and instantly falls in love with her. He asks the dwarfs insistently for the coffin. The prince and his men carry the coffin away, but as they are walking one of them falls and the piece of poisoned apple comes out of Snow White’s mouth, waking her up. The prince then tells her he loves her and soon they get married. 

The jealous Queen, believing that Snow White is dead, again asks her mirror who is the fairest in the land. Again she is shocked when the mirror replies: “You, my queen, are fair, it is true. But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you!”

The Queen goes to the royal wedding (boda real) and discovers that the new queen is her stepdaughter (hijastra). As punishment (castigo) for her crimes, she is then forced to step into (ponerse) a pair of red-hot shoes and dance until she dies!

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