Friday, July 1, 2011

Famous lines

Here are some famous lines from four of Shakespeare's plays. They are part of longer speeches. Read the text and find out which lines are from "The Tempest", which are from "Macbeth", which are from " Julius  Caesar", and which are from "Hamlet". (The answers are in the comments)

1-" Out, out brief candle! Life is but a walking shadow  ..."
¡Apágate, apágate, breve vela! La vida no es más que una sombra andante 

2-"Friends,Romans, countrymen,lend me your ears;
 I come to bury Caesar,not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones."

Amigos romanos, paisanos, prestadme vuestra atención:
vengo a enterrar a César , no a adularle .
El mal que los hombres hacen vive tras ellos;
El bien es a menudo enterrado con sus huesos.

3-"To be , or not to be,-that is the question-:
Whether'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune ,
Or take arms against a sea of troubles, 
And by opposing end them ?"

Ser o no ser,-esta es la cuestión-:
¿Es más noble en la mente el sufrir
Los males y flechas de la fortuna ultrajante,
O tomar las armas contra un mar de problemas,
Y por oposición acabar con ellos ?

4- "Oh wonder !
How many goodly creatures are there here !
How beauteous mankind is ! 
Oh brave new world that hat such people in it."

¡Oh maravilla!
¡Cuántas criaturas buenas hay aquí !
¡Cuán bella es la humanidad!
¡Oh valiente nuevo mundo que tiene gente así en él !

Now watch a very young Marlon Brando playing the  role of Marcus Antonius  ( Speech starts at 0:40)

1 comment:

Home English said...

1- Macbeth(Act V-Scene V) Macbeth.
2- Julius Caesar ( Act III, Scene II).Mark Anthony.
3- Hamlet (Act III-Scene I) Hamlet.
4- The Tempest (Act V- Scene I) Miranda.