Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Spanish Town Invaded... By Smurfs

We have discovered a new resource to practice listening, called Videopedia, which is a website that has very short videos, up to five minutes in length. Unfortunately, there are no subtitles and since the videos are short, the English is spoken fast. Nonetheless, it’s a good way to tune your ear!

Here’s an example: Spanish Town Invaded... By Smurfs. Familiarize yourself with the vocabulary below before watching the video further down.

movie release = estreno de película
stunts = maniobra, ardid publicitario
outdone itself = superado a si mismo
shores = costa
premiere = estreno
gallons = galones
feat = hazaña, proeza
execs = short for executives
mayor = alcalde
bishop = obispo
landowner = terrateniente
blue in the face = al punto de extrema exasperación
beleaguered = atribulado
launch = lanzar
canny = astuto
hot spot = sitio popular
livery = colores distintivos

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