Wednesday, June 11, 2014

California Clam Chowder

Clam chowder (guiso con almejas) is easy to find in San Francisco. You can get it almost everywhere, from a smart city centre restaurant to a stall (tenderete) at Fisherman’s Wharf.(muelle de pescadores) One of the most common ways to serve it is in a bowl (cuenco) made of bread. This sort of bread is called San Francisco Sourdough (masa fermentada par hacer pan) and is well known in the area. You will usually get a special lid (tapa) for the bowl as well – made of the same sort of bread as the bowl – so you can eat it with your soup. Clam chowder is very filling,(algo que llena mucho) so you may not want dessert.

Ingredients for 4 to 6 people
A little olive oil
1 small onion, diced (cortado a dados)
2 slices(10) bacon, diced
400g clams with juice (con su jugo)
250ml clam juice  
400ml chicken broth (caldo de pollo)
1 large potato, peeled (pelada) and diced
A little thyme (tomillo)
Salt and pepper to taste (al gusto)
3 large spoons corn flour (harina de maíz)
2 cups cream
A few pieces of fresh parsley, (perejil) chopped



You will need a large soup pot (olla para sopa) with a lid.
Fry the onion and bacon together until the onion is tender.(tierna)
Add he clams, clam juice, chicken broth, potato, thyme, salt, and pepper. Cover (cubre) the pot and boil (hierve) the mixture. Stir.(Remueve) Replace the lid, reduce the heat and simmer (hierve a fuego lento) the soup for 15 minutes (or until the potatoes are tender)
In a separate bowl, mix the corn flour and the cream, then add them to the soup. Boil again.
Simmer the soup, stirring frequently, until it has thickened.(se espese)
Serve with chopped parsley sprinkled (espolvoreado) on top for decoration.

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