Friday, December 14, 2012

The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times .

For the past 25 years, Anthony Griffith has performed throughout the world on stage, television and the big screen . In 2003 he participated in "Moth Stories" ( a nonprofit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling) where  Anthony shared a heartbreaking story about the death of his daughter in 1990.

This is  how the story starts:

Charles Dickens classic A Tale Of Two Cities  starts off with a phrase "It was the best of times and it was the worst of times". In 1990 I moved from Chicago with my family to L.A to seek my fame and fortune and a couple of weeks of being there I got two important calls. One was from the tele-coordinator from "Tonight's Show " , offering me to have a spot as a comedian on "Tonight's show" and the second call was that my daughter's doctor had called to say that her cancer had resurfaced...

Watch more true stories told live at:

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