Thursday, March 1, 2012

Limericks and Pronunciation

The limerick is a short poem with five lines.The first line , the second line and the fifth are all the same length (misma longitud) and have the same sound at the end. And the third and  the fourth lines are the same length and have the same sound at the end. The limerick is usually funny and sometimes tells  a joke about sex.The name limerick comes from the name of a town in Ireland .

Here are some examples:

There was a young lady of Crewe
Who wanted to catch the  2.02.
When she got to the gate ,
They said: " you must wait:
It's a minute or two to 2.02.
(Note: 2.02= "two-two")

There was a young lady from Riga
Who smiled as she rode on tiger.
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.

People who are learning English as a second language often have problems trying to get the right rhythm and intonation into their sentences. One of the best ways to improve your rhythm in English is by learning some Limericks. Try this one  with the help of the teacher !

There was  a young man from Taiwan
Who thought learning English was mafan (  = not fun
By using these rhymes 
He improved in no time ,
And now speaks better than I can.

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