Monday, November 21, 2011

U Can’t Stuff This

Do any of you remember the 1990’s song by MC Hammer song, U Can’t Touch This. Well, here’s a funny animated satire of that song dedicated to the Thanksgiving Turkey (el Pavo de Acción de Gracias) called U Can’t Stuff This (No Puedes Rellenar Esto). Turkey is the centerpiece (centro de mesa) of the Thanksgiving meal, which takes places on the fourth Thursday of November. This year it falls on the 24th.

The video comes with subtitles, so it’s easy to follow. But first, familiarize yourself with the vocabulary below.

stuff = rellenar
trot = trotar
strut = pavonearse
hayseed = semillo de heno, pueblorino
roasting pan = bandeja de horno
fresh = fresco
juicy = jugoso
recipe = receta
hold on = esperar
plump = regordete
fit = en forma
free-range = sin enjaular
seasonings = condimentos
giblets = menudillos

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