Thursday, November 17, 2011

An Alien In My Fridge !

A Russian woman found a weird ( raro) extra-terrestrial creature two years ago and kept it in her fridge. Marta Yegorovnam discovered the strange being ( extraño ser in a "crash site" after hearing a loud bang outside her home in Petrozavodsk , western Russia . Marta told boffins (expertos) the alien was in a spacesuit (traje espacial) when she first saw it . She then wrapped (envolvió) the creature in plastic and put it in her fridge-freezer  to preserve it .

The  Karelian Academy of Science in Petrozavodsk is now investigating Marta's story .

I have got an alien in my fridge !

Where is the spacesuit ? 

Do you believe this story or do you think this is just a  rotting vegetable ( vegetal pudriéndose) ?

(Published by The Mirror )

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