Thursday, August 25, 2011

Everything is bigger in Texas !

A man flew from New York City to spend some time with friends in Texas. Being from New York, he thought he had seen the biggest of everything there was to see, but his Texas friends soon proved him wrong (le demostraron que estaba equivocado). First they took him to the biggest cattle ranch in the world.They flew in an aeroplane all day long and never reached the end of the ranch, it was so big.Then they took him to lunch and ate the biggest steak in the world at the biggest steak restaurant in the world.And with the steak, he drank the biggest glass of whisky he had ever drunk in his life.After the meal, he had to go to the men's room (toilet). He was a little drunk from the whisky,so he had trouble walking across the biggest dance hall in the world and down the longest hall in the world. And he didn't notice the biggest indoor swimming pool in the world till he had fallen in the water. He was swimming around when a waiter came in and asked him if he needed any help."No," he told the waiter." I'm Ok. Just don't flush it."(tirar de la cadena) He thought he had fallen into the biggest toilet in the world !

1519 Texas claimed for Spain by Alonso de Pineda.
1682 First permanent settlement near El Paso (Spanish).
1690 First Catholic Mission.
1821 Texas becomes part of Mexico.The first Anglo-American colonists arrive under the leadership of Stephen F. Austin.
1835 Texas rebels against mexico.
1836 Texas declares independence.
1837 The United States recognizes the Republic of Texas.
1845 Texas becomes the 28th state of the United States.
1861 Texas secedes from the United States and joins the Confederacy
1870 Texas returns to the Union.

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