Monday, August 29, 2011

An English Breakfast

Have you ever been to a hotel and been asked if you want an English or continental breakfast? If you’re hungry, you should order an English Breakfast, it is much more complete than the continental option. So let’s see what a typical English breakfast consists of, so you can make an informed decision next time!

A traditional breakfast is a very big meal. You start with cereal. Then You have sausages, bacon and eggs. And then you have toast with marmalade, jam or honey. The traditional drink is tea, but some people drink coffee, too.

The English jams and marmalades are really delicious. Marmalade is made from citric fruit, like oranges and lemons, while jam is made from other fruit, like: strawberries, raspberries or apricots. In addition, there is lemon curd, a very typical product made with milk.
Although coffee in the United Kingdom and the United States has a bad reputation (considered to be black water!), more and more places nowadays serve coffee Mediterranean-style. On the other hand, English tea is really good. There are different types of tea. The best known are Earl Grey, Ceylon and Darjeeling. These teas come from plantations in the former British colonies of India and Sri Lanka.

Rather than using tea bags (
bolsitas de te), proper tea is prepared in a teapot (tetera). To prepare tea, first, warm the teapot, then take one teaspoon of tea per cup and an additional one for the pot. Next, pour freshly boiled water on and brew (dejar reposar) for five minutes. Then, it’s Tea Time!

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