Tuesday, April 12, 2011

National Geographic

The National Geographic Society, a non-profit organization, “has been inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888” by spreading “geographic knowledge while promoting the conservation of the world's cultural, historical, and natural resources.” Its renowned magazine has been captivating [1] readers for years. Although you may have never read this magazine, you should have no problem recognizing its logo, the yellow rectangular frame.

If you were one of those people who only read the captions [2] underneath the breathtaking [3] photos, now it’s time to take advantage of National Geographic’s website where you can find various videos related to adventure, environment and wildlife, among others, in order to tune [4] your ear while learning interesting stuff!

Take this video, called Bear Attack, further down for example. Before listening to the video, familiarize yourself with the words below that will appear in the video.

hiking, hacienda senderismo
startled, asustado
surprise, pillar desprevenido
run away, fugarse
fight back, contraatacar
play dead, finger la muerte
charging, arremeter contra
swipes, golpes
move away, alejarse
bruised and bloody, magullado y ensangrentado

[1] cautivador, [2] pie de foto, [3] impresiopnantes, [4] afinar

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