Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Newspapers and TV

The British love reading newspapers! We buy millions of them every day. There are basically two types of newspapers: broadsheets (periodico de gran formato) and tabloid (tabloide).

Broadsheets are larger and more serious and prestigious. Some of the most well-known ones are The Times, The Independent, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph.   

Tabloids, on the other hand, have a smaller format, and are often criticised because they publish sensationalist pieces of news. Some of the most popular tabloids are The Sun, The Mirror and The Star.
There are different sections in a newspaper. The first page is called the front page,(página de portada) and you can find the most important headlines (titulares) there. You can read the articles and the editorial in the inside pages. Most newspapers have got other sections, such as film and book reviews,(críticas de pelis y libros) fashion pages and a TV guide. Crosswords (crucigramas) are usually on the back page (la última página). Do you like crosswords? I love them!

What types of programmes do you watch? I like films and TV series, and I also watch lots of game shows (concursos) and documentaries. Do you watch documentaries? Some people think they’re boring, but I think they can be very interesting. I always watch the 6 o’clock news while I’m having dinner, but my daughter complains (se queja) because she wants to watch cartoons.(dibujos animados) My friends say I watch too much TV. What do you think?

TV Channels
Have you ever watched a British television programme? The British Broadcasting Corporation, better known as the BBC, is the state television channel and some of their best programmes are seen all over the world. Did you know that on the BBC channels there aren’t any advertisements?(anuncios) So go to the toilet before the film starts!

Some other British TV channels are ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. But in the UK, there are no free channels (canales gratuítos) because when you buy a television you have to buy a TV licence (licencia para tener televisión)

Of course, these aren’t the only TV channels in Britain. If you have a satellite dish (antena parabólica) or cable TV, you can also pick up (recibir) a wider variety of programmes from local or international TV stations.(canales de TV)

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