Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mexican Cuisine

Las antiguas civilizaciones de Méjico eran excelentes granjeros que cultivaban cacao, judías, maiz y chile. Los colonizadores Españoles trajeron el arroz, el trigo, la ganadería y los productos lácteos. La fusión de ingredientes y técnicas Europeas y Mejicanas ha dado lugar a una cocina muy sofisticada que se basa en estofados, salsas, sopas y en platos como las tortillas, los burritos, los tacos o las enchiladas, por supuesto todo acompañado con unas gotitas de buen tequila.
The Chilli
One of the basic ingredients in Mexican food is the chilli, which ancient civilizations were using 5000 years ago. They come in many colours and sizes, which you will discover on a visit to any Mexican market. Different chillies are combined – fresh or dried, (secos) roasted (asados) or raw (crudos) – to give every sauce its unique flavour.(sabor) Some famous varieties are the mild (suaves) green-black poblano chillies and the orange coloured habanero chillies, which are the hottest (los más picantes) in the world!
Mole Sauces

The chilli is one of the essential ingredients in mole sauces. The other two are various seeds (semillas) and a little chocolate. Each region has its own distinctive sauce, and gives the sauce its name. Mole from Puebla, for example, is called “mole poblano”. Each family’s recipe is different, and making the mole is a complicated process. You add the finished sauce to meat, usually turkey (pavo) or chicken, and cook it slowly.(a fuego lento)


Frijoles, Tortillas and Salsa

 These three things form part of a Mexican’s daily diet. Many different varieties of beans, frijoles, are central to the comida corrida. They are combined with bacon or different types of meat to produce delicious dishes.To accompany the meal is the sauce, the salsa. A simple one is made with chopped (cortados a trozos) tomatoes, chillies and onions – but there are many more combinations. Finally, there is tortilla, Mexican bread, made from wheat in the north and corn in the south. This is often filled (relleno) with meat or cheese, and fried. No meal is complete without some.

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