Friday, September 6, 2013

Body Language !

Muchas expresiones idiomáticas o frases hechas utilizan partes del cuerpo humano. Veamos algunas de las más utilizadas en inglés. Empezamos con el corazón...

First we begin with the heart…

The expression to break someone’s heart is often used when we upset someone greatly, often when we terminate a friendship or relationship: “She broke his heart when she left him.” It can also be used when someone dies and we can also use the adjective broken-hearted to describe how the sad person feels: “I was broken-hearted when my grandmother died.”

If we learn something off by heart then we learn something completely: “An actor has to learn all the lines he has to say in the television show off by heart.”

We talk about hand on heart when we make a sincere promise: “Hand on heart, it’s the honest truth. I really do love you.”

To have the heart means to be strong enough to tell somebody some difficult news (or not!): “I didn’t have the heart to tell you yesterday but I saw your girlfriend kissing another man in the pub last night.”

If a person has a heart of gold they are a very kind person: “My sister always helps me when I have a lot of things to do – she has a heart of gold.”

Now it is time to practice ! 

Finish the sentence using one of the body expressions from the post .

1- She is very generous. She has a_______
2-She asked  me to go with her and I didn't _____ to refuse .
3-.My grandchildren were____ when their pet dog ran away. Fortunately, they found him the next day !
4-My father can still recite  the poems  he ______ at school.


1-heart of gold  2- have the heart 3-broken-hearted  .4- learned off by heart

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