Thursday, August 16, 2012

As Easy As a Piece Of Cake

" A piece of cake" is an informal way of saying something is very easy to do.Complete these five common English expressions with the five words below. It's a piece of cake  !

bee (abeja) -iron(hierro)-log (tronco) -peacock (pavo real) -fish (pez) 

1. as hard as__iron __.
2. like a _________out of water. proud as a________.
4.(sleep) like a ________.
5. as busy as a  _______ .

Now put one of these expressions in each of the following sentences.

a- I was so tired last night that I slept_____ .
b- The ground was frozen this morning, it was ___________.
c- She never stops working.She's always ______________.
d-Riding around town in his new Rolls Royce, he looked __________.
e-I feel completely lost, I feel__________ .

Answers in the comments.

1 comment:

Home English said...

1. as hard as__iron __.
2. like a ____fish_____out of water. proud as a___peacock_____.
4.(sleep) like a __log______.
5. as busy as a _bee___ .

a- I was so tired last night that I slept__like a log___ .
b- The ground was frozen this morning, it was __as hard as iron__.
c- She never stops working.She's always __as busy as bee _.
d-Riding around town in his new Rolls Royce, he looked as proud as a peacock_.
e-I feel completely lost, I feel_like a fish out of water_ .