Friday, May 11, 2012

The Fire Of London

The old city of London had narrow,crooked streets and wooden houses. It was a dirty city, too. In 1665  75,000 Londoners died from the plague.  On September 2nd 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane near London Bridge caught fire. 
Painting of the Great Fire (Artist unknown c.1700)

After a long hot summer the wooden houses were very dry. A wind was blowing from the river.It blew the flames from house to house, and in the narrow streets the fire spread quickly. The fire burned for four days.It destroyed 80% of the city. Amazingly, only six people died in the fire. The people of London built a new city.The houses were made of brick or stone not wood.The new streets were straight and they were wider and cleaner too. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St.Paul's Cathedral.

Now complete the following sentences:

The opposite of wide( ancho)  is______________.
The opposite of straight (recto)  is________________.
The opposite of  clean (limpio) is_______________.

Read the text again and find the past of the following verbs:

have  , to be  , catch ,blow, spread, burn, die, build, make

(Answers in the comments)

1 comment:

Home English said...

The opposite of wide( ancho) is______narrow____.
The opposite of straight (recto) is_____crooked___________.
The opposite of clean (limpio) is_____dirty__________.

have /HAD , to be /WAS-WERE , catch/CAUGHT ,blow/BLEW, spread /SPREAD, burn/BURNED, die/DIED, build/BUILT, make/MADE