Monday, October 3, 2011

Have You Ever?

Have you ever had a funny or interesting experience?
Have you ever done anything stupid?

Do you know what have you ever means? We use ever with the present perfect (have + past participle) to find out if something has been done before. So…

Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Have you ever sailed across an ocean?
Have you ever cheated on an exam?
Have you ever won a competition?
Have you ever been in trouble?
Have you ever had a tattoo?
Have you ever played hopscotch?
Have you ever studied in another country?

Of course, one thing is asking a question, another is answering. You can simply use the auxiliary verb in a short answer: 
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

Or you can give a little more detail with a frequency adverb, like never, often, once, twice, three times, etc. For example:
I’ve never been there before.
I’ve done that once.

Notice, we place the frequency adverbs like never before the main verb (or past participle) but we place the adverbs that tell us a specific quantity after the complement.

So don’t be shy! Share your experiences!

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