Whenever I find a catchy song with subtitles on YouTube, I always thinks it a good idea to share with students. This is the case with American Boy, by Estelle. First familiarize yourself with the vocabulary before listening to the video with subtitles. Next, watch the official video without subtitles below it and see how much you were able to understand. In general, this is a good method to improve your listening comprehension; listen while reading text, then listen without text.
get down = festeja
touched down = aterrizado
sold out = agotado
pick it = meterse
peaking = alcanzar su punto máximo
baggy = holgado
underneath = debajo de
subway = metro
hood, short for neighborhood = vecindario
slick = de mucha labia
cool down = calmarse
chick = chica
blinkin’ = parpadear
persona = imagen, personaje
shallow = poco profundo
bloke = tío
bespoke = hecho a medida
broke = sin un duro
rubbish = basura
Estelle’s original version came out in 2008. There are several covers of her songs. New versions are interesting if they can add a new dimension to an old song. Of course that is easier said, or sung, than done. Below, you can listen to Cocoon’s 2011 cover. Further below, you can listen to VersaEmerge’s 2010 cover. What do you think of these cover songs? Do they add a new touch, or not?
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