Friday, April 1, 2011

Make and do

The two verbs 'do' and 'make' are often confused. The meanings are similar, but there are differences.

We use the verb 'do' to express daily activities or jobs. (activities)

do the shopping , do housework

We use 'make' to express an activity that creates something that you can touch.( construct, produce, create , manufacture)

make a cup of tea ,make a cake

Why do you make love but do good ?

There are fixed expressions that are best learnt as a whole because there is no absolute rule about which verb to use. What you need is here we go !

Make : make a complain, make a mistake, make a trip, make money, make a noise , make a phone call.

Do: do an exercise, do a crossword puzzle, do reserch, do business, do good, do a dance .

Now test yourself !!

1-Late night parties often____________a lot of noise.

2-Don’t forget to_________________ the washing up after lunch.

3- I want to______________ a complaint about the slow service in this cafe.

4-He’s thinking of_______________________a trip to Cuba.

5-He had to go and__________________a phone call.

6- Who’s going to________________ the coffee ?

7- Some people here love _______________________grammar exercises.

8- I hurt my back while I was____________my exercises in the gym.

9- When Susan first took the job as a secretary , she used to ____a lot of mistakes. It took her two years to ______her job well.

Now check your answer: 1- make 2-do 3- make 4- making 5- make 6- make 7- doing 8- doing 9-make,do .

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